
Fertility Cryopreservation

Fertility Cryopreservation

The technique of freezing eggs, sperms or embryos in very low temperature (-196 degrees)is called cryopreservation or freezing.

Who needs freezing ?

Depending on your fertility needs, you mighty need egg, sperms or embryo freezing. Embryo freezing is the one most commonly done procedure in In Vitro Fertilization or IVF.

By this procedure any extra embryos left after transfer or in freeze all cycles embryos are cryopreserved for later use. Egg freezing is recommended in patients who are going to receive chemotherapy for cancer as it might affect their future fertility. Also in patients who want to stop their biological clock, egg freezing does give them good chances of conception an d motherhood at later ages.

Sperm Freezing as a procedure is recommended for cancer patients undergoing chemo or radiotherapy which might affect their future fertility, in patients with varying sperm counts, in patients planned for IVF cycle if there is a concern that,there might be difficulty in sperm collection on the day of egg retrieval.

Where is freezing or cryopreservation done ?

Freezing can only be done in embryology labs of an IVF centre. It is essential to use quality labs for this procedure as it directly impacts the conditions in which your gametes are preserved.

Whom should we consult for the procedure ?

If you are planning to preserve your fertility through cryopreservation at the best IVF center, meet an IVF specialist our IVF doctor at the earliest. They can answer all your queries and provide you with the chances of success with these procedures.

Fertility Cryopreservation
Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing

Embryo Freezing

Embryo Freezing

Embryo Freezing

Prior to Chemotherapy

Prior to Chemotherapy

Prior to Chemotherapy

Extended Culture

Extended Culture

Extended Culture Blastocysts are embryos which have grown till day 5 or 6..