New Technologies
New Technologies As the science advances, new technologies play a major role in..
Azoospermia or no sperms is of mainly two types obstructive and non obstructive. Obstructive azoospermia means sperm production is happening in testis but not coming in ejaculate due to obstruction in ducts in between. Comparatively in non obstructive azoospermia no or sparse sperm is being produced in testis hence no sperms are seen in ejaculate.
In cases of obstructive azoospermia , ducts carrying sperms are blocked , either due to infectious process , trauma or due to surgery like vasectomy. But sperm production is happening in testis hence in case aspiration is done before obstruction we will be able to retrieve sperms . This is the simple theory behind sperm aspiration procedures in obstructive azoospermia like TESticular sperm aspiration or TESA or Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration or PESA
PESA as a sperm retrieval procedure has many advantages :-
So if you are suffering from azoospermia, please do consult our fertility specialist Dr Prerna Gupta to discuss your treatment plan