
Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian Cysts are very common and frequently develop in women of reproductive age. These are mostly non-cancerous and go away on their own. Most cysts are not the reason for infertility. 

What are the common types of ovarian cysts?

- Follicular cyst or functional cyst: These cysts are simple fluid filed and occur due to unruptured follicles or inadequate progesterone release. They are benign and go away on their own.

- Ovarian dermoid: These cysts contain different types of structures like skin, hair, fat inside them. These cysts are slow-growing and usually require surgery.

- Endometriosis or chocolate cysts: Endometriosis or chocolate cysts are seen in patients suffering from endometriosis.

- Hemorrhagic Cysts: These are benign cysts and usually go away on their own and do not require surgery.

How are these Cysts diagnosed?

These Cysts can be an incidental finding during an examination by your gynecologist. Ovarian Cysts are confirmed by an ultrasound which can be done transvaginally or per abdomen. Further tests like MRI might be needed if required by your gynecologist.

Also, certain blood tests like CA-125, LDH, B- HCG, etc might be done to differentiate different types of ovarian cysts.

Do Ovarian cysts affect fertility? 

Yes, certain ovarian cysts like endometriosis do impair your chances of conceiving naturally. However, there is no indication to remove endometriosis if you are planning for IVF as it does not impair your success rate.

How are ovarian cysts operated?

With the advent of laparoscopy, almost all ovarian cysts are operated upon laparoscopically. This reduces pain and decreases recovery time. If you are suffering from ovarian cyst and infertility do consult the best IVF doctor in Delhi, Dr. Prerna Gupta.